
Clear Map Grids

Created by Arcknight

Grids of all types printed directly on clear plastic, allowing you to tile anything into a tabletop battlemap.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

EU Backers - 9x shipped, 2 on hold. Project complete!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 04:38:00 PM

Quick update, I've been in touch with one of our backers who lives in England and is already involved in the receiving and sending of shipments on a regular basis. He offered to accept all of the remaining EU shipments for the Clear Map Grids project and reshipped them and bill me directly.

Apart from 2 orders, one on hold for a random sheet that isn't in stock, and one that specifically asked me to hold off shipment and bundle it with other products later, all of the remaining EU shipments have been re-shipped as one bundle-

When they arrive in England, he'll open up the package and put them in the mail. I have no idea if you'll get a confirmation because I've never used their postal service (lets assume no) but it'll be at your doorsteps soon and it WILL have shipped from within the EU.

I'm sorry these last dozen packages have been such a headache, we've continuously looked for a proper EU-shipping solution, and we still don't have one. For those of you in the EU that have participated in our other kickstarters, this is certainly still an issue, so if you hear any positive news about EU-based redistributors I'd love a heads-up email.

Thank you all for a wonderful campaign!

Missing EU Shipment - Episode 2
over 8 years ago – Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 10:06:25 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Missing EU Shipment - 13 Packages
almost 9 years ago – Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 01:47:24 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Sequel to Clear Map Grids - Spell Effects - Is Live!
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:58:28 AM

Roleplaying Spell Effects is Live!

The spiritual successor to the Clear Map Grids campaign has many great features:

Class Sets (here's an example) span multiple pages and give you specific support for a Class and Edition, with a wide variety of spells including as many of the 'must haves' as we can cram in there.

Each pack will probably be 2-3 pages, but we'll let each pack do whatever it needs to do.

 Spell School Sets - Similar to Class Sets, we'll be unlocking Spell School specific (and edition specific) sets such as Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, etc.

Stretch Goal Voting - A huge list of viable Stretch Goals is available for the audience to vote on, or submit their own suggestions to. As the campaign cruises along, we'll snag the goals that are most popular, and lock them in.

Another chance to create custom Clear Map Grid designs - Just go to the voting section and "write in" a vote for any custom grid size and shape you didn't get from the first campaign, and we'll create them and put them in Backerkit at the end of the campaign.

More Objects, Spell Tokens, Spell Minis, and more! (And of course, suggestions are quite welcome)

Please check out our new campaign!

Clear Map Grids is 100% shipped - Campaign complete
almost 9 years ago – Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 08:32:52 PM

All orders for Clear Map Grids have officially shipped! The 13x packages that were sent to Germany to be reshipped have certainly arrived in Germany some time ago, but I have not heard information on their re-shipping, so I'll continue to check on that.

Everything else for this campaign is done, and I'm proud to say it's been quite successful... now we can look to Clear Spell Sheets!

Everyone is welcome to post their suggestions, and the basic format IMO will go like this:

Class-Specific Spell Sheets

Next, we'll make an edition specific AND class specific set of spells for each prevalent character class, using the most popular spells of that class. These will likely be 'sets' of 2-4 sheets. So, a 5E Sorcerer will have an assortment of all his classic spells. A PF Inquisitor will have an assortment of all of his classic spells, etc etc.

For some classes, I'll simply choose what I think is best, and if other spells need to be included, the pack may just get larger, or we'll make several editions and name them uniquely.

For other classes, I'll be starting polls with a full listing of all the common spells that class has access to, and the audience can simply vote for the ones they think need inclusion.

We can also put in range-finders for the ranges of specific point spells. Like for 'Healing Word's 30' range (but no 'effect' per say) it might be nice to have a 30' range finder included on the side of one of the sheets, etc.

More CMG Gridding

With a new campaign, comes an opportunity for more custom Clear Map Grids. We'll have an open access period just like in this campaign where people can submit the grids they are interested in purchasing, and we'll create those and add them to the growing pile of CMGs. Of course, anything previously available to purchase will still be available, this campaign will just be creating more.


Currently we have Carts, Home Furnishing, Tavern Furnishing, Dungeon Furnishing, and Wilderness objects. These ended up being incredibly successful, especially when shown off at local shows. We'll create at least a few more of these. Presently, these were created out of existing doo-dads we had from our maps campaign, and these options mostly came as after-campaign add-ons. This time around we'll put thought and energy into new items during the campaign.

Pre-Made Common/Popular Spell Sheets

A variety of 'pre-made' assortments of spell sheets, using common spells, with multiple elements per page where and when required. For example, a Cone of Cold spell, next to a Burning Hands spell, next to a Web spell, etc etc.

These will be edition specific, with actual spell sizes drawn from various popular games. For instance, a 5E assortment and a PF assortment may have different default sizes for these common spells.

Other Stretch-Goal ideas

Stretch goals will unlock a steady stream of new options, and everything will likely be add-on based, with shipping and bundling handled in backerkit. This way, as the packs grow, the add-ons grow in size and cost, but we can offer discounts for purchasing key items with large sheet counts. For instance, if we're really attempting to tackle 'every spell' for a major RPG, we could continue to unlock a new sheet of whatever the next-most-popular spells are based on your votes. All of these unlocked sheets can be purchased individually, so you can snipe what you want, but the "bundle" of all of them will certainly be discounted and sold in large packs. However, until we know whether that will be 5 sheets or 25 sheets, any comment about pricing would be pre-mature.

As it stands though, we could have a huge array of unlocks for new classes, new sheets, etc.